
11-th Fair Trade Towns Conference - Saarbrucken (D) 14-17 September. Register now.


Dear Friends for Fair; Ami(e)s engagé(e)s pour un monde plus équitable; Amigas/os involucradas/os por un mundo más justo!; Liebe MitstreiterInnen im Fairen Handel!

Subbmit your registration on the forthcoming International Fair Trade Towns Conference.

Welcome to the 11-th International Fair Trade Towns Conference, 14/15th to 17th of September in Saarbrücken/D and the crossborder region QuattroPole : Metz/F, Luxembourg and Trier/D! Title of the event: "Fair Trade across the generations"

Submit your registratio now, just fill the form.  INFO programme  is available here.

Rendez-Vous with thrilling stakeholders from all over the world to share experiences and develop together new perspectives for the World Fair Trade Movement!

Watch our concept FIVE for FAIR!

  • Fairly FAIR Fees: Guaranteed MINIMUM PRICE: 120 € for adults and 80 € for students + + + PREMIUM Solidarity: 30 € / 20 € to help financing the travel of our guests from the South.

WANTED!!!  As many producers and organizations as possible from the Southern countries!

  • FAR from FAIR: Still so much to push – New challenges!  WANTED!!!  As many countries as possible attending the conference!

FAN for FAIR: Let’s generate more enthusiasm! WANTED!!!  As many young people as possible to push Fair Trade Universities

  • FIT for FAIR: WANTED!!!  Talks and Workshops to get fit and fitter!

  • FUN for FAIR: WANTED!!!  Time to relax and to have a party

The title « Fair Trade across Generations » is about pointing out the wide range of activists, having in the Northern countries mostly adults and seniors running the World Shops meanwhile the campaigns for Towns, Schools and Universities are being energized more by younger people!

As well in the Southern countries the pioneer-fathers who set up the cooperatives are being “relieved” by their skillful and professional offspring who benefited from education and qualification thanks to the Fairtrade system. 

Ami(e)s engagé(e)s pour un monde plus équitable !

Bienvenue à la International Fair Trade Towns Conference qui se tiendra du 14/15 au 17 septembre à Saarbrücken/D, avec les villes partenaires QuattroPole : Metz/F, Luxembourg/L et Trèves/D.

Ne manquez pas ce rendez-vous avec les grands acteurs du CE venus du monde entier pour échanger leurs expériences et développer de nouvelles perspectives.

INFO programme et enregistrement: www.quattrofair.org

Laissez-vous convaincre par notre concept Five for Fair !

Équitablement vôtre ! Fairy ORGA-Team

Amigas/os involucradas/os por un mundo más justo!

Bienvenidos/as a la « Conferencia Internacional Fair Trade Towns » del 14/15. al 17. de septiembre en Saarbrücken/D y en la region transfrontalera QuattroPole con las ciudades: Metz/F, Luxembourg/L et Trier/D! ... Que no se pierdan este encuentro con actores estupendos del mundo entero, para intercambiar experiencias y desarrollar juntos nuevas perspectivas. INFO programa y registración: www.quattrofair.org

Déjate convencer por nuestro concepto FIVE for FAIR!

Saludos solidarios de la fairy ORGA-Team!

Liebe MitstreiterInnen im Fairen Handel!  

Willkommen zur « International Fair Trade Towns Conference » vom 14/15. bis 17. September in Saarbrücken/D und in der Grenzregion QuattroPole: Metz/F, Luxembourg/L und Trier/D!

Einmaliger Treffpunkt mit spannenden Akteuren aus der ganzen Welt, um Erfahrungen auszutauschen und neue Perspektiven gemeinsam zu entwickeln.

Mehr INFOS über Programm und Anmeldung: www.quattrofair.org

Lass Dich von unserem FIVE for FAIR - Konzept fair.führen!

Beste Grüße vom Fairy ORGA-Team!